Penn Medicine Launches Center for Digital Health

Jan. 31, 2017
Penn Medicine in Philadelphia has created a Center for Digital Health, which evolved from its Social Media Laboratory.

Stanford University’s School of Medicine recently launched a Center for Digital Health to promote partnerships and perform clinical research. Now, across the country, Penn Medicine in Philadelphia also has created a Center for Digital Health, which evolved from its Social Media Laboratory, led by Raina Merchant, M.D., associate vice president for the University of Pennsylvania Health System.

Merchant’s cultivation of partnerships from across the university — with Wharton, Annenberg, and the School of Engineering and Applied Science — have mapped a strategy and process to systematically evaluate how social media platforms can affect health, and develop new ways for clinicians to improve care delivery through these channels.

“Connectivity and innovation are central elements of Penn Medicine’s strategic plan, and a large and increasing proportion of our patients engage with the world digitally,” said Ralph W. Muller, CEO of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, in a prepared statement. “Dr. Merchant’s visionary research is harnessing the power of this engagement to transform the way we deliver health care.”

Merchant, who is also an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine and has secondary appointments in General Internal Medicine and Anesthesia and Critical Care, began her research career in emergency medicine focusing on cardiac arrest.

In 2012, she led the MyHeartMap Challenge, a crowdsourcing contest that sent Philadelphians into the community to identify, photograph, and submit locations of lifesaving automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Using the data gleaned from contest participants, her team created a mobile app that maps AEDs throughout the city, putting them at the fingertips of bystanders who can act quickly to save a life when cardiac arrest strikes.

Merchant describes her team’s research as probing “the social mediome” -- a way of collectively describing people or groups based on their digital data merged with their health record data. So far, her work has demonstrated the value of mining Yelp reviews for information about patients’ experiences in hospitals, mapped ways in which social media may be harnessed for emergency preparedness and response, and shown that information donated by patients from their Facebook accounts may be paired with their electronic medical records to yield new insights about their health. New areas of research for the Center for Digital Health include identification of factors linked to depression and obesity, and studying social media to trace language changes that may be associated with Alzheimer’s or other types of cognitive decline.

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