Majority want to keep ObamaCare protections for preexisting conditions

Sept. 5, 2018

A majority in a new poll want ObamaCare’s protections for pre-existing conditions to remain the law.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s latest tracking poll, 72% of those surveyed said it is “very important” to them that insurance companies remain prohibited from charging sick people more.

They also said it was “very important” that the law continues to prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage because of a person’s medical history.

Even among those living in households without anyone with pre-existing conditions—meaning they are unlikely to be affected negatively by a change in policy—a majority said it is “very important” the protections remain.

The findings were released the same day as oral arguments are set to begin in a lawsuit that could overturn those very protections.

Twenty GOP-led states are challenging the law, with the backing of the Trump administration. Their lawsuit argues that the healthcare law is unconstitutional after the repeal of the individual mandate last year.

The case has given midterm fodder to Democrats who have been hammering Republicans for seeking to invalidate protections for people with pre-existing conditions in court.

In a sign of Republicans’ concern over Democratic attacks, 10 GOP senators introduced a bill they said would prevent insurance companies from charging more or denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

However, patient groups and health experts note that the bill would still allow insurers to sell policies that exclude coverage of pre-existing conditions. Premiums could also vary based on age, gender, or occupation—which is currently prohibited under ObamaCare.

The poll also found respondents with a personal connection to pre-existing conditions coverage. Forty one percent of poll respondents said they were “very worried” that they or a family member will lose coverage if the Supreme Court overturns the ACA’s pre-existing condition protections.

Half of respondents said they were “very worried” they or a family member will have to pay more for coverage.

The survey of 1,201 adults was conducted via random telephone poll and has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

The Hill has the story

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