HP launches Metal Jet 3D printing, additive manufacturing system

Sept. 11, 2018

HP launched its HP Metal Jet 3D printing technology that’s designed to deliver mechanically functional parts faster than current systems with the aim of revamping factory production for auto, industrial, and healthcare companies.

The company unveiled plans for its HP Metal Jet at the International Manufacturing Technology Show.

In addition, HP outlined partnerships with GKN Powder Metallurgy and Parmatech to create Metal Jet parts for Johnson & Johnson, Volkswagen, and Wilo. HP will also add a production service to deliver final parts beginning in 2019. HP will stand up plants with its partners so engineers can design and start to scale parts.

The initial metal focus for HP will revolve around stainless steel because it is targeting mass production. Metals like titanium are more specialized. Iron and steel are areas that apply more to mass production. HP’s move into metals was among the company’s goals for 2018.

ZDNet has the full story

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