Stage 2 Concerns over Timelines, Privacy

April 9, 2013
In anticipation of the publications of the Stage 2 meaningful use rule tomorrow, CIOs and other health industry leaders expressed concerns over the timelines for ICD-10.
In anticipation of the publication of the Stage 2 meaningful use rule tomorrow, CIOs and other health industry leaders expressed concerns over the timelines for ICD-10.
Tina Buop, CIO of the Muir Medical Group IPA in Walnut Creek, Calif., had concerns that the Stage 2 regulations will align with the possible extension of ICD-10 medical coding system implementation dates implementation timelines.
Jonathan Everett, IT/EHR manager of the Chinese Community Health Care Association in San Francisco, agreed, saying that he hopes the Stage 2 rules coordinate with the ICD timeline. He expressed disappointment over the announcement last week that the ICD-10 timeline may be extended. His organization has made considerable investments in ICD-10 preparations. “It’s the right thing to do,” he said.
In the privacy and security arena, Lee Barrett, executive director of the Simsbury, Conn.-based Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission, noted that the need for confidentiality will still be there as a common denominator in any data exchange. Regardless of how meaningful use evolves, the need to provide 
a secure platform and trust among all stakeholders is key, he said.

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