Here It Is: The Healthcare Informatics 100

April 10, 2013
It’s our pleasure to unveil once again the Healthcare Informatics 100, the industry’s unique—and uniquely authoritative—compilation of the top IT vendor companies in healthcare, by revenue. This year’s listings, as in the past, reflect the dynamism and excitement of this time of great change and innovation.

It’s that time of year again—time to unveil the Healthcare Informatics 100, our unique compilation of the top IT vendor companies in healthcare. Once again, we, the editors of Healthcare Informatics, have put together, with invaluable support and assistance from our colleagues at Porter Research and ST Advisors, the single authoritative list of the top vendors in healthcare IT, ranked according to domestic (U.S.) healthcare IT revenues.

More companies than ever have voluntarily submitted not only their revenues, but also important information on their staff size, executive leadership, and markets served. In a small number of cases, with the very expert help of our Porter Research and ST Advisors colleagues, we’ve developed carefully researched revenues estimates, when actual revenues were not submitted.

What’s exciting this year—as it is for us every year—is the opportunity to bring to you, our readers, a sense of the great dynamism and innovation taking place in our industry during a time of revolutionary change. With healthcare reform, the meaningful use process under the HITECH Act, the coming transition to the new ICD-10 coding system, and other important policy mandates coming out of the federal government, and with pressure from the private purchasers and payers of healthcare ramping up to match that from the government, the opportunities for the most innovative vendor companies in healthcare are greater than ever before, even as the risks for those vendors who fail customer expectations remain as acute as ever, too.

Soon, the readers of Healthcare Informatics will be receiving the print edition of the June/July issue of our magazine, which will carry the core pieces of data also contained in this online compendium. But the online Healthcare Informatics 100 is the most expansive version of the list, and it is our pleasure as the magazine’s editors to bring it to you here at this time. We hope that you will find it useful and enlightening, as we once again strive to give you, our readers, the best and most up-to-date information on our ever-changing industry. We are deeply grateful to our wonderful colleagues at Porter Research, led by Cynthia Porter, and at ST Advisors, led by Ben Rooks, as well as to our internal webmasters, John Vest and Mark Lindberg, for making all this possible. Please read and enjoy!

--The Editors of Healthcare Informatics

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