Bon Secours Ambulatory Clinics Achieve Stage 7 Recognition

July 9, 2013
Thirty-one Va.-based Bon Secours Health Systems ambulatory clinics have been recognized by the Chicago-based Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) for reaching HIMSS Analytics Stage 7, the highest level on the Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model, the model used to track EMR progress at hospitals and health systems.

Thirty-one Va.-based Bon Secours Health Systems ambulatory clinics have been recognized by the Chicago-based Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) for reaching HIMSS Analytics Stage 7, the highest level on the Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model, the model used to track EMR progress at hospitals and health systems. Bon Secours Health Systems is now among the first health systems to be recognized by HIMSS Analytics for having achieved Stage 7 for its physicians.

Bon Secours Health Systems’ ambulatory clinics that have achieved Stage 7 include 107 providers in 31 practices.  The Stage 7 ambulatory practices are located in Virginia in the Richmond and Hampton Roads communities, and represent a cross-section of primary care and specialty practices.

Developed in 2011, the EMR Ambulatory Adoption Model provides a methodology for evaluating the progress and impact of EMR systems for ambulatory facilities owned by hospitals in the HIMSS Analytics Database.  These facilities include physician practices, clinics, outpatient centers, and specialty clinics. Tracking their progress in completing eight stages (0-7), ambulatory facilities can review the implementation and use of IT applications with the intent of reaching Stage 7, which represents an advanced electronic patient record environment.

“Bon Secours Virginia is proud to be among the first health systems to achieve Stage 7 certification for our physician practices,” Peter Bernard, executive vice president, business development and CEO of Ben Secours, said in a statement. “Investment in our ConnectCare electronic record has allowed us to extend patient care beyond traditional physician office models and assure that our care is extraordinary. Bon Secours Health System’s vision for ‘one patient, one record’ has been integral to our success.  Without the strong leadership of our clinical, operational and technology teams, this elite Stage 7 designation could not have been realized."

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