HIMSS HIE Survey Reveals Progress for Supporting MU

Jan. 27, 2015
Health information exchanges (HIEs) are doing a better job supporting meaningful use Stage 2 than they were a year ago, according to an updated Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) HIE survey.

Health information exchanges (HIEs) are doing a better job supporting meaningful use Stage 2 than they were a year ago, according to an updated Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) HIE survey.

Recently, the HIMSS HIE Committee conducted a follow-up survey to its 2013 MU Stage 2 survey providing a year-over-year snapshot of how health information organizations (HIOs) are facilitating providers’ progress in achieving meaningful use objectives—specifically around Stage 2. The 2014 follow-up survey indicates substantial improvement in a short time.

According to the survey, significant progress has been seen in multiple areas, signaling that HIEs are expanding services to deliver needed value to their providers and communities. In 2013, 23 public and private HIE organizations were asked to report on the service offerings they provided to their stakeholders to facilitate achievement of meaningful use Stage 2. In 2014, 19 of these organizations provided updated information on their services.

Results show an increase from:

  • 52 percent in 2013 to 74 percent in 2014 of HIEs providing services or a gateway to facilitate orders/results delivery (i.e. CPOE)
  • 22 percent in 2013 to 42 percent in 2014 of HIEs providing patient reminders functionality for care coordination.
  • 59 percent in 2013 to 79 percent in 2014 of HIEs offering Direct HISP services for secure messaging between providers and patients.
  • 87 percent in 2013 to 100 percent in 2014 of HIOs reviewing or conducting a security risk analysis to ensure data protection.

According to a recent HIMSS blog analyzing the survey’s results, the data provides further evidence that HIEs are demonstrating broad industry momentum. “HIEs are also attempting to deliver increased value—especially surrounding the meaningful use Stage 2 core and menu options, to providers, healthcare professionals, and most importantly, to patients,” the blog’s authors stated. 

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