Mayo Clinic, Apervita Collaborate for Self-Service Health Measures Marketplace

June 3, 2015
The Rochester, Minn.-based Mayo Clinic and the health analytics and data community and marketplace Apervita are launching a health measures platform that will allow health professionals to publish or subscribe health measures which will turn definitions into analytics.

The Rochester, Minn.-based Mayo Clinic and the health analytics and data community and marketplace Apervita are launching a health measures platform that will allow health professionals to publish or subscribe health measures which will turn definitions into analytics.

According to the companies, while there are already thousands of health measures for quality, safety, outcomes, and finance that are increasingly the basis for measurement of performance and reimbursement for value-based care, they are notoriously complex and organizations struggle with the costly process of implementing and maintaining them. This often results in delays of more than 12 months to report new measures or update existing measures.

With this new approach, Apervita will offer a family of open interfaces, including open web service APIs, allowing standard measure definitions to be imported, edited, published, executed and exported. Once an author has developed a measure, it can be connected to different data sets as well as shared through a global marketplace. Measure results can be displayed on the Apervita platform or accessed through APIs for display within electronic medical records (EMRs), third-party systems and mobile applications. The import and export of measures supports the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) quality data model (QDM) through which all modern measures are today made available, the companies say.

“Healthcare providers and facilities should focus on what they do best, providing high quality patient care. After all, that’s what health are measures are designed to enable,” Dr. Jyotishman Pathak Ph.D., professor of Biomedical Informatics at Mayo Clinic, said in a statement. “With thousands of healthcare measures which continuously evolve, keeping track of, implementing and monitoring the measures has shifted some of that focus away from the patients, and it needs to shift back.”

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