Podcast: When Guarding PHI, Don’t Be Cheap

March 6, 2013
In this Healthcare Informatics podcast, Associate Editor Gabriel Perna speaks with Rob Faix, a principal at the Naperville, Ill.-based consulting firm, Impact Advisors. Faix discusses the healthcare data breach problem, and why this issue is increasingly coming to light.

In this Healthcare Informatics podcast, Associate Editor Gabriel Perna speaks with Rob Faix, a principal at the Naperville, Ill.-based consulting firm, Impact Advisors. Faix discusses the healthcare data breach problem, and why this issue has is increasingly coming to light. He mentions that due to HITECH rules, data breaches are becoming more publicly known. He also talks about how mobile devices factor into this issue, and gives guidance on how to deal with the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) phenomenon. He also strongly advocates that organizations better invest in security programs when guarding protected health infromation (PHI).

To download this or other HCI Podcasts from iTunes, click here.

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