Unburden your billing cycle

May 22, 2014
Communications between healthcare providers and their clients can be conducted today through a variety of media channels. Although many consumers still prefer hard copy statements sent through the mail, they are increasingly migrating to electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) processes, where invoices and statements are delivered via email directly to their computers, cell phones, tablets and other devices. On the return side, consumers also are paying their bills through electronic channels – either at a secure, password-protected page at the biller’s Web site or through an electronic payment service provided by their bank or other financial institution.

EBPP is a highly efficient and effective way to speed the billing and payment cycle. For billers, EBPP eliminates the time and expense of printing and mailing invoices, as well as the time required to receive back a mailed payment. For customers, EBPP lets them receive bills and statements through the channel they prefer so that it reaches them anywhere they may be and on the device of their choice. Additionally, some consumers report that even though they may prefer a hard copy bill as a prompt for payment, they’re likely to send an electronic remittance—again, eliminating the time of conventional mail delivery. 

The speed and efficiency of EBPP can cut days from the billing-payment cycle while providing consumers with a service personalized to their needs.

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