The Valley Hospital Chooses Scripting Toolkit

Feb. 24, 2010

Braintree, Mass., February 23, 2010  — Summit Healthcare, a leader in healthcare system integration and task automation, today announced a new partnership with The Valley Hospital, a 450-bed, full-service facility in New Jersey running the MEDITECH platform. 

For many years, The Valley Hospital has been using a low-cost scripting tool, however, the more integrated its systems became, the more crucial it was to have a product that could streamline workflow, improve processes and ensure reliability with its MEDITECH system.  After an extensive evaluation and search process, The Valley Hospital will be implementing the Summit Scripting Toolkit.  The Summit Scripting Toolkit can be leveraged across the hospital enterprise to assist The Valley Hospital with eliminating time-consuming and manual tasks that plague many departments.  

Initially, the Summit Scripting Toolkit will be leveraged in the business office to assist with manual billing and administrative tasks such as updates to the B/AR charge master dictionary.  Additionally, there are plans to utilize scripting to assist with pharmacy drug dictionary maintenance as it relates to pricing and NDC code management.  The hospital also plans to eliminate the manual processes in place for staff nightly routines which will free up FTE’s and allow them to be reallocated to other priority projects. 

“The Valley Hospital is extremely pleased with its choice to partner with Summit Healthcare for our automation needs,” said Michael Laidlaw, IT Analyst, The Valley Hospital.  “The Summit Scripting Toolkit will provide the scalability we need to meet the many automation requirements we are faced with on a daily basis.  I look forward to expanding the scripting product across the hospital and freeing up our staff workload now spent on manual tasks. And the professional services staff and educational opportunities that Summit provides are an added bonus.”   

Summit Healthcare offers the Summit Apex product suite, which provides the MEDITCH industry with a comprehensive toolset for integration and automation needs.  The Summit Scripting Toolkit delivers enhanced power, reliability and experience for all versions of MEDITECH, including 6.0.  With powerful scripting capabilities that do more than simply eliminate manual data entry and processes; providing advanced system integration functionality where standard HL7 interface feeds are unavailable.

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