BJC HealthCare Selects For Revenue Cycle Management Solutions

March 5, 2010

ATLANTA, Mar 03, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE)— BJC HealthCare, one of the largest nonprofit healthcare organizations in the United States, has selected MedAssets charge integrity solutions to automate and standardize its charge description master and pricing for increased efficiency, billing compliance and improved net revenue capture.

BJC delivers a wide array of healthcare services to residents in Missouri and Illinois and will implement MedAssets’ chargemaster management and pricing management solutions to bring all of its facilities together on a corporate chargemaster. This standardization, in combination with the utilization of the Web-based software tools’ workflow automation and reporting capabilities, will allow for increased visibility in understanding the net impact of pricing and rate changes and increase the health care organization’s revenue capture opportunities.

“With 13 hospitals and multiple community health locations, it is important for us to focus on ensuring that revenue integrity is consistent across our organization,” said Kevin Roberts, BJC Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. “Our goal is to increase charge standardization and billing compliance at all of our facilities.”

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