IMR Announces New Healthcare Solutions Group

March 5, 2010

Harrisburg, PA – IMR – Information Management Resources recently announced the formation of its healthcare specific practice, which will work on implementing solutions to help healthcare providers improve the quality of patient care. IMR Healthcare is focused on providing meaningful use for patient electronic records, by using technology designed to provide interoperability within all the silos of patient record information.
“As healthcare providers across the U.S. strive to comply with the definition of meaningful use for electronic records, regardless of their Electronic Medical Records system selection, it is critical to achieve interoperability through the use of document and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions,” said Scott McCabe, IMR’s Director of Healthcare Solutions.

In addition to providing interoperability of all the clinical systems in a healthcare setting, IMR Healthcare solutions will also tie all back office operations into the one enterprise wide solution that will bring clinical information systems together with business information systems. 
IMR is the premiere information management provider creating solutions for capturing, integrating and processing information, data, and documents to ensure efficient information exchange and long-term retention of critical data. IMR custom solutions combine workflow refinement and technologies designed to improve business efficiencies, address requirements for compliance and security and reduce costs that positively impact the bottom line.

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