Practice Fusion and Dell to provide doctors EMR package

June 3, 2010

San Francisco and Round Rock, TX, June 3, 2010 – Practice Fusion and Dell today announced that they will deliver EMR technology to doctors around the country. The Dell/Practice Fusion packaged solution uniquely serves the needs of the small medical practices, especially those in primary care, that make up almost 80 percent of the physician landscape. These medical practices are traditionally the hardest to reach with new technology, even though they are the foundation for preventive and specialty health care across the U.S.

The Dell/Practice Fusion packaged solution combines Practice Fusion’s free, Web-based electronic medical record (EMR) system with Dell’s EMR technology hardware suite including desktop and laptop computers, specialized broadband hardware, scanners and printers. The package is ideal for small practices looking for an affordable turnkey EMR solution that is easy to purchase and use. With Dell and Practice Fusion, medical offices can easily replace paper systems with electronic charting, scheduling, prescribing and lab orders, improving the efficiency of the care delivered to patients as a result.

By teaming with Dell, Practice Fusion is giving physicians an easy and convenient way to acquire the hardware they need to use EMR. And Dell continues its focus on improving the accessibility and affordability of information technology particularly at the frontline of the healthcare system.

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