State of Minnesota selects MEDecision Technologies for employee personal health record program

June 3, 2010

WAYNE, Pa. — June 3, 2010 — MEDecision, Inc., a leading provider of collaborative healthcare management solutions, today announced that it has been awarded a contract by the State of Minnesota to provide the technology for a personal health record (PHR) program being developed for State employees and their dependents. The initiative is designed to give state workers and their families an additional tool to manage their health and help control medical costs.

The PHR program will rely on MEDecision’s InFrame collaborative health information exchange service and Nexalign collaborative healthcare decision support solution, in compliance with all privacy laws, to locate and compile existing medical claims data from state employees’ and their dependents’ health insurers. The system will also gather information available from other healthcare sources, including pharmacies, labs, clinics, dental records and doctors’ offices. The solution’s healthcare analytics identifies opportunities for improved health, gives users a consolidated view of their health history and provides additional intelligence for making care-related decisions.

Currently in the implementation phase with a launch date targeted for this fall, the PHR program is strictly voluntary. The state will not have any access to the PHR system or to employees’ private health information at any time.

State employees must choose to enroll in the PHR program and submit authorization for their medical information to be utilized. Employees who do use the system will simply need a computer, an Internet connection and a standard web browser for access.

For more information about MEDecision, visit

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