2011 November Features

Nov. 1, 2011

COVER STORY – RCM Roundup – Payers

Will HIPPA 5010 Hurt

With THE HIPAA 5010 DEADLINE right around the corner, HMT asked select industry experts the following question:
How will the adoption of HIPAA 5010 (federally mandated to take place by Jan. 1, 2012) affect practice profitability?


How to make a turnaround

Informatics nurse specialists bridge patients, IT and executives.

By Harry Magnes, M.D.

Training – Hospitals

The importance of INSs

Despite a $40 million operating loss, one group practice managed to build a sustainable financial foundation.

By Kathleen Hunter, Dee McGonigle and Toni Hebda

Decision Support – Payers

Optimize your BI

Five reasons healthcare business intelligence differs from other industries.

By Laura Madsen

Decision Support – Payers

A new era promises better outcomes

BPM systems are the best decision for decision-support software.

By Elizabeth Hart

Predictive Modeling – Hospitals

Using big data for big impact

Leveraging data and analytics provides the foundation for rethinking how to impact patient behavior.

By Bill Fox

Document Management – Hospitals

Streamlining operations for healthcare reporting

By automating manual processes with content transformation, healthcare facilities are better able to apply resources towards their ROI.

CIS – Infrastructure

New TIA-1179 standard supports IP convergence of CIS

Whether installed in a new hospital construction or as part of the modernization of an existing facility, a standards-based, IP-enabled communications network can deliver many benefits.

By Andre Mouton, Belden

CIS – Hospitals

Streamlining patient review

Morehead Memorial expands care-management program, ensuring appropriate patient care.

By Renee Angiulli


Building a connected community of care

A standards-based HIE solution helps satisfy upcoming meaningful-use requirements.

By Jim Younkin


PACS re-envisioned

Changes to reading workflow can create higher service levels at no additional cost.

By Phil Heckendorn


RSNA Product Spotlight and Buyers Guide

RSNA 2011 – The 97th Scientific Assembly & Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America,
Nov. 27-Dec. 2, Chicago, is the premier scientific and educational forum in radiology. Come learn about the latest trends in radiologic research and “celebrate the image” along with 60,000 attendees.


I wonder if Richard Pryor suffered neck trauma

by Phil Colpas


Launch EHRs with confidence

by Becky Quammen

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