Roadmap for interoperable HIEs only a click away

May 1, 2012
National eHealth Collaborative (NeHC) recently released “Health Information Exchange Roadmap: The Landscape and a Path Forward,” a no-cost, downloadable resource that offers stakeholders a clear picture of efforts being undertaken by both the public and private sectors to create and implement the building blocks for widespread deployment of interoperable health information exchanges (HIE).

More than 75 experts and industry leaders contributed their insight and experience to make this valuable title happen. In it, they provide an understanding of how these diverse approaches fit together into a cohesive strategy for nationwide HIE.

The HIE roadmap also includes multiple examples of leading HIE-enabling organizations that are leveraging nationally recognized HIE standards to improve patient care, achieve efficiencies and realize cost savings.

Major topics covered in detail include:

  1. Office of the National Coordinator (ONC)-led efforts to develop nationally recognized standards that can be leveraged by local HIE initiatives and how those standards work in harmony with local efforts to create a cohesive strategy for market-driven interoperability;
  2. Examples of where national standards are currently being leveraged by diverse market-based initiatives to provide innovative HIE functionality and services; and
  3. A four-phase roadmap of the major steps communities can follow to accelerate progress toward the realization of a widespread and successful deployment of interoperable EHRs, connected health IT tools and real-time information sharing through HIE.

Download this publication at

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