CHIME announces new members to its board of trustees

Sept. 13, 2013

ANN ARBOR, MI, September 13, 2013 – The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) is pleased to announce the election of members Cara Babachicos CHCIO, Indranil Ganguly MBA, CHCIO, FCHIME and Marc Probst to its Board of Trustees.

Babachicos is the Chief Information Officer and Corporate Director of Information Systems for the Community Hospitals and Non-Acute sites at Partners Healthcare. A Certified Healthcare CIO (CHCIO) with 25 years of experience working in healthcare information systems, she joined CHIME in 2004. Currently, she is member of the CHIME Healthcare CIO Boot Camp faculty and also teaches a course in executive project management at Harvard School of Public Health, as well as Northeastern University in the masters program for Healthcare Informatics.

“I'm pleased and thankful for my nomination to the CHIME Board,” said Babachicos, “and I look forward to working with such a great group.”

Ganguly is Vice President and Chief Information Officer at CentraState Healthcare System in central New Jersey, an organization he has been employed with for over 13 years. Ganguly has served on numerous committees and received several CHIME awards since joining the organization in 2002. He is currently a member of both the Advocacy Leadership Team and Policy Leadership Council, and is the CHIME StateNet Coordinator for New Jersey. He is a Certified Healthcare CIO (CHCIO), CHIME Fellow and the recipient of the 2011 CHIME State Advocacy Award and 2011 CHIME Collaboration Award.

“Having been an active member of CHIME for many years, I am eager to join the board and take that activity to a new level,” said Ganguly. “I am honored to have been elected, and look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure that CHIME continues to provide great value to our members and our industry.”

Probst is Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Information Systems at Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City, Utah. Probst has over 30 years experience in information technology and healthcare services and has been a member of CHIME since 2004. Currently he serves on the Federal Health IT Policy Committee, which assists in developing health IT standards for the U.S. government. He is also a member of the CHIME Advocacy Leadership Team and the recipient of the 2010 CHIME-American Hospital Association Transformational Leadership Award. Additionally, Probst serves as a board member on several healthcare related organizations including the University of Utah School of Nursing and the Utah Food Bank.

“I considered it a tremendous honor to have been nominated to work with such outstanding leaders,” said Probst. “I am certainly honored being elected by my peers and look forward to the exciting ride, we as information system leaders, will have as we traverse changes in our industry, government and technology.”

CHIME is also pleased to announce the election of David Finn CISA, CISM, CRISC to its Foundation Board of Directors.

Finn is the Health Information Technology Officer for Symantec and holds over 30 years of experience in information technology and business processes. A former healthcare CIO, Finn has worked in the provider space for more than 20 years. He joined Symantec in 2009.

“Today healthcare is about the information and the information technology needed to support new care delivery models, new reimbursement models, improved outcomes and reduced costs,” said Finn. “The issues our industry faces today can only be solved through cooperation and collaboration among providers, industry vendors, healthcare associations and government.  I've been involved with CHIME as a CIO member and as a Foundation member, and I am privileged and honored to serve CHIME and the industry in this new role.”

CHIME’s newly elected Board members, who will replace vacant seats left by Cyndi Cahill, Drexel DeFord and Gretchen Tegethoff, will begin their three-year terms January 1, 2014.

In addition, the current CHIME Board of Trustees elected officers for the 2015 board: Charles E. Christian FCHIME, LCHIME, CHCIO, Vice President and CIO at St. Francis Hospital, appointed as Chair; George McCulloch FCHIME, CHCIO, Deputy CIO at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, as Treasurer; and Pamela Arora, Vice President and CIO at Children's Medical Center of Dallas, as Secretary.

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