Bill passes to fund SGR transition

Feb. 17, 2014

Congress has passed S.25 (Senate by a vote of 95-3 and House by a vote of 326-90), an act “To ensure that the reduced annual cost-of-living adjustment to the retired pay of members and former members of the Armed Forces under the age of 62 required by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 will not apply to members or former members who first became members prior to January 1, 2014, and for other purposes.”

One of the other purposes is to create a $2.3 billion “transitional fund for sustainable growth rate reform… which shall be available to the Secretary to provide funds to pay for physicians' services under part B to supplement the conversion factor under section 1848(d) for 2017 if the conversion factor for 2017 is less than conversion factor for 2013.''

HIMSS has prepared a Fact Sheet on the health IT and meaningful use impacts of H.R. 4015, the SGR Repeal and Medicare Provider Payment Modernization Act of 2014, released February 6, 2014, and its companion Senate bill S. 2000.

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