WEDI and NATE announce partnership

Sept. 28, 2015

The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI), a non-profit authority on the use of health IT, and the National Association for Trusted Exchange (NATE), a non-profit authority in consumer-mediated electronic health information exchange, announce a partnership to cooperate on Phase II of the Virtual Clipboard Initiative and to advance research concerning healthcare interoperability.

“Our collaboration with NATE is instrumental to our mission as we work to broaden interoperability in healthcare technology in a consistent manner across all stakeholders in the industry,” says Devin Jopp, Ed.D., President and CEO, WEDI. “The expertise of NATE’s leaders, membership and partnering stakeholders will be invaluable as we further the Virtual Clipboard Initiative into the next phase of the program.”

Building off recommendations contained in the 2013 WEDI Report, the Virtual Clipboard Initiative was developed by The Sullivan Institute for Healthcare Innovation, in collaboration with WEDI, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) to leverage advanced technologies to dramatically enhance the patient experience while improving patient safety.

“This is an important partnership for our industry, and one that will afford tremendous advantages to the members of both organizations,” says Aaron Seib, CEO, NATE. “We are confident that the synergies of our organizations will produce amazing returns as we look to enhance the use of additional interoperable technologies that include the consumer, bringing about a new era in healthcare.”

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