Integration and Collaboration

June 24, 2011
Boston University (BU) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) are joining the Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT), the

Boston University (BU) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) are joining the Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT), the Cambridge, Mass.-based consortium that brings together clinicians, scientists and engineers to solve complex medical problems using novel technologies.

BU and BMC are joining founding members of Massachusetts GeneralHospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, MIT, and Draper Laboratory, along with Partners HealthCare, BethIsraelDeaconessMedicalCenter, and Boston Children's Hospital.

The CIMIT teams are currently working on:

Medical simulation — By bringing simulators and medical training under one roof, physicians learn to use new technology for medical and surgical procedures and healthcare professionals learn skills in leadership, communication and teamwork.

Detecting cancer earlier — The Image Guided Therapy program is developing tools to non-invasively detect cancer and to examine tissue and organs without the need for biopsy.

Donor organ shortage — The Tissue Engineering program is developing a wearable kidney system as a step toward a fully implantable kidney.

Epileptic seizures — Senior systems and software engineer researchers have developed techniques for detection and prevention of epileptic seizures.

Heart attacks — Advanced imaging techniques are helping to identify the atherosclerotic plaques that cause heart attacks.

Hypertension and congestive heart failure — A Connected Health initiative is working to remotely monitor patients with cardiovascular disease.

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