Trend Watchers

June 24, 2011
It's that time of year again — trend time. Straight from the editors of HCI come the nine most important trends CIOs need to be on top of. From

It's that time of year again — trend time. Straight from the editors of HCI come the nine most important trends CIOs need to be on top of. From perennial favorites like electronic medical records to growing ones like telehealth, we’ve done our best to help busy executives stay abreast of the latest developments. Read all about it in “Trending for Success,” starting on page 20.

The Republicans are out and the Democrats are in, but will it make any difference to the progress of healthcare IT legislation? Some important bills were left on the table at recess time last year. From privacy issues to anti-kickback exemptions, Congress has its hands full. We look at the issues on Capitol Hill in “The Democrats Take Charge,” page 18.

Americans often assume we’re the ones who educate the world. However, looking abroad can provide some valuable lessons, especially in the areas of healthcare IT use. Read about some successful programs outside of the Unites States in “Looking Abroad,” page 60.

Negotiating with vendors to structure a fair deal is equal parts art and science. When it comes to the back-and-forth of negotiations, do you know what the real best practices are? Remember: knowing how to select the best product doesn’t necessarily mean knowing how to structure the best deal. Contributing writers Vince Ciotti and Bob Alcaro provide their expert advice in “The Art of the Deal,” page 62.

Correction: A January Viewpoint contained the wrong picture of Jim Oakes, Jr. with his contributed article. The correct picture is below.

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