PODCAST: Medical Group Practices and Health IT

Feb. 7, 2012
Medical group practices are facing many challenging issues in today’s health IT landscape from reimbursement concerns to mandates coming out of federal healthcare reform and the American Recovery and Reinvestment/Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (ARRA-HITECH) Act and other legislative and regulatory developments like accountable care organizations and health information exchanges. These physician groups are also competing to better serve the needs of both patients and payers and purchasers, while their CEOs, CIOs, are working assiduously to meet the demands of their practicing physicians. For the October issue, HCI Editor-in-Chief Mark Hagland had a telephonic roundtable discussion with medical group leaders in the industry to discuss these issues and more. In this podcast, he will share some highlights of his conversations with Associate Editor Jennifer Prestigiacomo.

Medical group practices are facing many challenging issues in today’s health IT landscape from reimbursement concerns to mandates coming out of federal healthcare reform and the American Recovery and Reinvestment/Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (ARRA-HITECH) Act and other legislative and regulatory developments like accountable care organizations and health information exchanges. These physician groups are also competing to better serve the needs of both patients and payers and purchasers, while their CEOs, CIOs, are working assiduously to meet the demands of their practicing physicians. For the October issue, HCI Editor-in-Chief Mark Hagland had a telephonic roundtable discussion with medical group leaders in the industry to discuss these issues and more. In this podcast, he will share some highlights of his conversations with Associate Editor Jennifer Prestigiacomo.

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