Custom Media

Sept. 12, 2012

Education Sessions | Focus Groups/Research | Video | Roundtable | Golf Outing

Please contact your sales representative for pricing details. Custom Opportunities can be created to suit your needs. 

Pre-Conference Educational Sessions:

Showcase your organization's subject matter expertise, thought leadership, and success stories. Pre-Conference Educational Session includes:

  • 60-120 minute educational sessions, part of the official HCD Agenda
  • Free session for up to 50 HCD attendees
  • Eligible for CEU credits (pending approval)
  • Present research, trends, successful customer case study

Benefits Include:

  • Control the content and bring your message directly to HCD attendees
  • Less formal session, your product can be in the room
  • Spotlight your session and expertise in an issue of the HCD Attendee eNewsletter
  • Contact information of all registrants and attendees
  • Official HCD Sponsor with special sponsor mention in all materials

Rate: $10,000

Focus Groups/Research:

Small group or individual sessions to gather opinions and market intelligence from the A&D community. HCD recruits participants from interested HCD attendees based on client criteria and provides:

  • Space, snacks, check-in support, participation incentives 
  • Audio recording and transcript available
  • Facilitator available


HCD gathers the BEST, most qualified focus group participants from around the country. HCD pre-screens focus group participants to gather a group that: 
  • Is actively engaged in the industry
  • Can contribute to a discussion that is both practical and conceptual
  • Specifies and/or recommends the products/services you’d like feedback on

Rate: $10,000+

Video Opportunity:

Embrace a powerful and growing marketing medium to communicate your company’s message and tell its success stories. Video opportunity includes:

  • HCD will produce a video shoot with professional camera, sound and lighting crew
  • 15-20 minute interview with a company leader or client in dedicated media room and/or in company booth
  • Post-production of interview footage, edited together with company logo, images, B-roll, and other creative elements to create two, 2-3 minute video assets

Benefits Include:

  • Professional HD video asset delivered 6-8 weeks after shoot
  • Interview questions crafted in advance by HCD and your marketing staff
  • Capture footage in your booth, with your product in Exhibit Hall off-hours
  • Use on your website, the HCD website and elsewhere!

Rate: $6,000+

Custom Roundtable Meal:

Create a shared experience with potential customers. Custom Rountable Meal includes:
  • Small, invitation-only meetings (over a meal) with 6-10 attendees
  • Conversation on a specific topic or issue
  • Can be recorded or covered by an editor to create a content asset

Benefits Include:

  • Showcase dedication to an issue or trend in the healthcare design industry
  • Create dedicated time to LISTEN to your clients or potential clients

Rate: $2,500+

Golf Outing 

Increase your brand exposure before the conference starts. The Golf Outing provides participants an intimate networking event, play 18 holes of golf (approximately 4 hours) of dedicated one-on-one time with as many as six(6) healthcare design professionals. Golf Outing includes:

  • Your logo on the sponsor recognition signage placed at strategic locations throughout the conference
  • Two Full Conference Passes
  • Literature Insert in Attendee Bag
  • Full-page Program Guide Advertisement

Rate: TBD


Mike Pae | Phone: 216.373.1224 | [email protected]

Cate Olszewski | Phone: 216.373.1219 | [email protected]

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