
Jan. 10, 2019
Healthcare Informatics’ webinars increase awareness and interest in your services while our dedicated team builds attendance and manages every detail surrounding the event. Our webinars deliver the highest quality leads for your sales team.
We offer three types of webinar programs based on how involved you wish to be in the process.

Turnkey Webinars — don't have content or speakers? Don’t worry, our team will create content around a hot topic of your choice, recruit expert speakers and execute the webinar while positioning your brand as the expert.

Custom/Sponsored Webinars — already have content or speakers? A sponsored webinar is ideal for those vendors that want to deliver their own message and capture leads from our targeted, qualified audience.

Provider Spotlight Webinarswant to reach executives on specific topics they are interested in? Using our deep relationships with top healthcare executives from hospitals across the country, this webinar series will feature topic-specific case studies, best practices, and trends in the U.S. healthcare industry.

Click here to view the Healthcare Informatics program list.

Promotional Benefits:

Before the Event: Sponsors receive prominent display of their logo and company information in the following:

  • Promotional emails to your targeted audience
  • Promotional Webinar announcements in our eNewsletter
  • The event listing page at 
  • An email to remind registrants of the Webinar on the day of the event
  • The Webinar registration page

During the Event: Webinars are one hour, follow a PowerPoint format, and allow ample time for Q&A. We moderate the program to ensure everything runs smoothly and on time. You can:

  • Push White Papers or other promotional documents to attendees
  • Ask polling questions during the program
  • Link directly to social media resources
  • Block competitors and other identified individuals from attending your Webinar

After the Event:

  • You will receive the full registration list with contact information
  • Company mention on all follow-up and reminder emails sent to attendees and non-attendees
  • Your program will be archived online for 6 months
  • You will receive a master copy of the program, via an MP4 recording

Past Sponsors Include:

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