HCI's September Lineup is Here

June 24, 2011
CIOs, consultants and analysts interested in being interviewed for these stories can contact the writers until 7/15.   Cover Story — CPOE Pioneers

CIOs, consultants and analysts interested in being interviewed for these stories can contact the writers until 7/15.

Cover Story — CPOE Pioneers and the Value Equation

The CPOE doubters have been legion since the concept emerged. But clarity has been reached due to advances at pioneering hospital organizations. And that clarity has to do with the dramatic advances in patient safety, clinical care quality, clinician workflow, and overall organizational performance now being documented. What have the CPOE pioneers learned that the rest of the industry must understand to succeed? Our September cover story will lay out CPOE's value equation. And these insights will be particularly timely because of the inclusion of CPOE in the federal government's development of meaningful use.

Contact: [email protected]


Most agree that keeping people with chronic diseases out of the acute care setting will be a big part of keeping down healthcare costs. CHF, diabetes, asthma and other chronic conditions can all be controlled — if they are effectively managed. HCI will take a look at some hospital-based chronic disease management programs that use IT as a facilitator, and find out which models are most effective. We’ll talk to CIOs who have developed intervention models for their patients and boosted quality measures for their hospitals.

Contact: [email protected]


In the more than a year since the Stark reforms, the world of HIT has shifted dramatically. Now that government is reimbursing physicians directly for implementing an EHR directly, do physician groups (and individual physicians) even need the hospital-offered incentives anymore? In short, has HITECH blown up your enterprise Stark strategy? HCI will examine the loss of control CIOs may face when physicians start contracting on their own, and ask if “divorce” is a reasonable outcome. And for those hospitals who have already purchased EHRs for their community docs, we’ll find out the steps they actually took to ensure a smooth process, and share lessons learned about what can go wrong. We also examine the working relationship between the CFO, the CIO and the physician, and see how they all work together to decide how many physician systems they can afford, which ones they want to support—and which physicians get them.

Contact: [email protected]

Across the country, hospitals are feeling the crunch of the recession, and one of the areas often hit hardest is the administrative department. According to an American Hospital Association survey, more than 80 percent of CEOs plan to cut administrative costs, and 48 percent plan to eliminate positions. Hospital leaders are facing increased accountability, and as a result are looking for ways to more effectively allocate internal resources. This article will look at the benefits some organizations are realizing from automating the scheduling and staffing processes, such as increased visibility, decreased use of costly contract labor, and the ability to optimize existing staff without impacting patient care.

Contact: [email protected]

The increasing use of wireless technologies such as real-time location systems, voice over IP and bedside barcoding is significantly impacting the way nurses practice care. With more wireless tools available than ever before, nurses are communicating and documenting care more effectively, which is resulting in improved staff satisfaction and more face time with patients. In this article, we will examine how wireless technologies are being leveraged to improve nurses’ workflow, and identify the potential pitfalls of incorporating these devices into bedside care. We will also examine how the CIO’s relationship with the chief nursing officer and other nursing leaders is evolving, and how these parties can collaborate to develop an optimal wireless strategy.

Contact: [email protected]

Imaging — Cardiology PACS: Where's the leading edge now?

There are waves of advances taking place in cardiology PACS these days, from advances in access to the variety of images and data coming out of cardiologic medical equipment, to new linkages being created to cardiology practices. In this issue, we'll look at who’s on the leading edge (and how they got there) in cardiology PACS and cardiology imaging and data management.

Contact: [email protected]

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