Insidious Invasion of Technology

June 24, 2011
Insidious Invasion of TechnologyFrom bamboo flutes (Shakuhachi) to blackberries I'm driving into work yesterday.  At a red light, I emailed meeting
Insidious Invasion of TechnologyFrom bamboo flutes (Shakuhachi) to blackberries
I'm driving into work yesterday. At a red light, I emailed meeting lead, asking for the final room location for a meeting later in the morning. The light changes, my BlackBerry's been put away. I turn on the radio for news and traffic. The news? The Maryland legislature is proposing a law to prohibit texting (presumably SMS, and probably silent on email or Twits) while driving. They said explicitly, cell phone use, with a hands-free headset, would still be completely legal. I get to my meeting. My team asks me if I was driving when I messaged with the room location question. Two quick observations: 1. See Preparing for the Work Ahead, John Halamka's blog entry today, here. First, some meta points.
  • If you've already seen this post, you're probably using Twitter.
  • If you're trying the understand and follow standards, certification, and all things emerging on ARRA-2009, and the HCIT issues with the stimulus package, following John (and a few other very well informed and relevant leaders) on Twitter is an option to consider.
  • His ideas about video conferencing are resonant with me. I get a lot of value from Skype video conferencing.
  • That said, I've found a majority of people who will not use it. If you're interested in pursuing that, post a comment.
2. There's an article here, detailing the impact of technologies in the legal system. As we're hearing and seeing in other sectors of modern life, BlackBerrys, iPhones, Twitter, and Google are changing the way we behave. It's an insidious invasion of technology. Both the early adopters and the laggards are emotionally defending their postures. They're both obscuring the bigger picture; there is no turning back. Arguments that we should or shouldn't are defocusing from the real work: deciding and implementing strategies to do our work as well (and safely) as possible. Although Halamka's conclusions are very salient, I couldn't relate to the Japanese flute Shakuhachi prioritization. Given the insidious invasion of technology, are you changing how you are preparing for the work ahead?

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