Is it Time to Leave Your Current Employer?

June 24, 2011
Many of us wake up and wonder what it would be like to find a new pond to fish in. Is it time to look elsewhere? If you are miserable in your

Many of us wake up and wonder what it would be like to find a new pond to fish in. Is it time to look elsewhere? If you are miserable in your current role – maybe it's time to start a self evaluation process to see if you should consider finding greener pastures. Yes, I’m talking to you. You know you have thought about it! Don’t worry - it’s quite normal.

So how do you move from wondering what it would be like to become the new CIO for another healthcare organization OR perhaps to make the jump to the vendor side? Where do you start? You should start with a personal inventory of what you love about your current role and what you really hate. It’s actually quite therapeutic!

Make a list of key drivers that would make you wake up each day, and once again look forward to starting your work day. Be honest with yourself! After all, it’s not always about the money. Studies show that compensation is lower on the list of reasons that employees change jobs and exit stage right.

Write down a list of all of the things you would like to accomplish in your career, the ideal boss you would like to work for, new skills you would like to learn, the place/location where you would like to live and finally ….make sure you identify the ideal organizational culture you would love to be a part of. You will be surprised at what this exercise will do for you.

Please, please, please…make sure you do this exercise with pencil and paper – not on an Excel spreadsheet. Writing it down on paper will give you the clarity you need to find out if it’s time to make the move. On the other hand, you may learn that you really enjoy your current role and this exercise should lead you to take action to make some changes and make your current situation even better!

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