In the category of: Why Didn't I Do That?

June 24, 2011
In the category of “why didn’t I do that” goes Steve Case’s  I had that feeling when Mr. Case told HIMSS attendees that his

In the category of “why didn’t I do that” goes Steve Case’ I had that feeling when Mr. Case told HIMSS attendees that his site has surpassed in page views in just one year. I’m not saying I could have done all that in one year, I mean, the guy figured out mailing a bunch of try-AOL-free-for-30-days-CD’s for every man, woman, and child in the country was the key to making the Internet mainstream, but still… I had that feeling.
There are areas of healthcare that are wide-open and many more that will be wide-open once they’re thought up. Web 2.0 has changed the way we use the Internet. While the Internet revolution brought savings in network costs and improved our ability to disseminate information to healthcare, Web 2.0 concepts generate a higher degree of interaction that are more in line with how healthcare takes place. There is a place for elements all of the XHR’s in the future, so we will stay tuned to the impact makes.

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