CIOs Wanted for HCI Webinars

June 24, 2011
Take a look at the lineup below. If you'd like to be one of the speakers for the following Webinars, e-mail Anthony Guerra.    September 8 –

Take a look at the lineup below. If you'd like to be one of the speakers for the following Webinars, e-mailAnthony Guerra.

  • September 8 – Wireless Strategies
  • September 22 – P4P
  • October 6 – Standards
  • November 17 – Image Management Strategies
  • December 8 – Large Technology Buys
More in-depth descriptions:
Webinar 12: Wireless Strategies: Wireless networks are essential to healthcare provider organizations, but they are rife with complications. Making them ubiquitous, yet secure, is only one of the challenges healthcare IT leaders face. This Webinar answers: What are the most relevant wireless networking and handheld strategies? What are the typical points and the opportunities behind any wireless implementation project? How can one network accommodate multiple users with diverse needs and devices? And more…

Webinar 13: P4P: Pay-for-performance programs are seen as one avenue to recovering shrinking reimbursements—and all types of healthcare provider organizations are poised to comply with program requirements. This Webinar answers: What is required to receive these improved quality-based payments? What technologies are providers using to provide the documentation necessary to comply? What are the most effective strategies? What are the critical components of a system to support P4P requirements? What is coming next and what has already been done to most effectively capitalize on P4P? And more…

Webinar 14: Standards: Healthcare IT leaders dream of a world where standards-based systems mean complete intervendor interoperability. Unfortunately, this is still a dream. But that doesn’t mean organizations aren’t working toward this IT nirvana. This Webinar answers: What new standards are being incorporated into HIT systems? Which standards should organizations monitor? How are U.S. care providers progressing on HL7 V3 adoption? What are the hold-ups? What are the latest issues and how do they affect the end-users in healthcare settings? And more…

Webinar 15: Image Management Strategies: As diagnostic imaging capture and manipulation technologies expand, managing and storing issues are becoming a major headache. This Webinar answers: What are leading healthcare organizations doing to manage this data explosion? What are the major problem areas? What storage configurations and technologies are best suited for different needs? What are the increasing demands on IT departments? And more…

Webinar 16: Large Technology Buys: When it’s time for a big buy, it’s important to be prepared. Vendors have their interests in mind (closing the deal at the highest price), while healthcare organizations have theirs (closing the deal at a reasonable price with sound SLAs built into the contract). This Webinar answers: How should organizations approach vendors in today’s world? What are effective strategies to adopt when acquiring new technology, including software and hardware? Should they buy software—or consider the Software as a Service (SaaS) option? And more…

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