Sure, Healthcare IT Is Serious Business. But Are You Still Remembering To Have Fun?

Jan. 3, 2012
With all of the excitement buzzing around the Healthcare IT industry currently, it’s difficult to think of anything else, much less

With all of the excitement buzzing around the Healthcare IT industry currently, it’s difficult to think of anything else, much less remember (or care) that Halloween is right around the corner. Yes, there are significant challenges ahead, and the work will be daunting, but those of us involved in this industry have much to celebrate simply by being a part of Healthcare IT at this pivotal point in time! But I digress - back to Halloween. Stop and think for a moment of a great Halloween memory – I know you have one! I remember using a pillowcase for our candy (not some designer plastic pumpkin head like the kids use now), and my brother and I striking out on our own for hours (armed only with our trusty flashlight) without my parents feeling the need to trail along to protect us. Every year, my mother dressed us as a pair of something or other – Raggedy Ann and Andy, Heckle and Jeckle the magpies, Batman and Robin. We’d always end up wearing those cheap plastic masks with the little piece of white elastic across the back and the too-small eye holes that would end up somewhere on your forehead when you ran from that scary guy down the street who liked Halloween just a little too much. You know the one. At any rate, we had fun, especially when we’d sneak that flashlight into bed so we could raid our pillowcases in the middle of the night. Yep, those were the days. . .

As an adult, I’m fortunate to still have fun, although I only use a pillowcase to crash on after a hard day’s work, and have spent way too much on dental work to even think about sneaking a Jawbreaker or giant Tootsie Roll or Sugar Daddy into bed with me at night. Actually, a great deal of my fun comes from writing this blog, interacting with colleagues such as yourself, and working with the editorial staff here at Healthcare Informatics. What a pleasure! Have you been able to incorporate a fun activity into your job description? If not, I encourage you to do so - life's truly too short to put fun completely on the back burner.

With that thought in mind, and to remind you of the upcoming holiday, I’ve put together a little Halloween fun of my own, starring the wonderful staff (who hopefully are good sports) at Healthcare Informatics - enjoy!


Anthony Guerra as The Mad Scientist
Stacy Kramer as The Wolfwoman
Daphne Lawrence as The Bride of Frankenstein
Kate Huvane Gamble as Eddette Munster
Mark Hagland as Frankenstein

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