What Interests You at TEPR?

June 24, 2011
Another conference, another big first. In a little over a week, I’m headed to beautiful Ft. Myers, Fla. for my first TEPR conference. And, just like

Another conference, another big first.

In a little over a week, I’m headed to beautiful Ft. Myers, Fla. for my first TEPR conference. And, just like in February, I’m anticipating a baptism by fire. While HIMSS was my first health IT conference (what a place to start, right?), TEPR is the first conference I’ll be covering solo. This time, young grasshopper will have to navigate her own way, using the knowledge gained from the veterans at HIMSS to figure out which booths to visit, what questions to ask, what type of shoes to wear, and of course, when they serve food in the media room (bagels just don’t have the same bite at 11:30 a.m.).

One thing I do need a little help with is deciding how I should spend my time at the conference. So I figured the best way to determine that is to ask HCI’s readers what they would most like to see covered at TEPR. This year, the conference is breaking “out of the traditional electronic medical records conference mold” to include “other technologies," according to its Web site.

Some of the topics being covered in sessions include Stark laws, document imaging, solutions for emergency departments, disaster planning, interoperability, knowledge management, service-oriented architecture. Which of these topics interests you most? And what else from the conference would you like to see covered — trends with vendors? Key note addresses?

Shoot me an email and let me know what you want to see covered at TEPR.

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