Survey Reports Strong Adoption of EHR, Other Technologies

June 24, 2011
A new survey by Knowledge Networks (Menlo Park, CA) finds that, compared to two years ago primary care physicians (PCPs) and specialist doctors alike

A new survey by Knowledge Networks (Menlo Park, CA) finds that, compared to two years ago primary care physicians (PCPs) and specialist doctors alike have dramatically increased their use of electronic health records (EHRs), and they are expecting to spend less time with sales reps in the coming six months.

The study of nearly 11,000 health care professionals also shows that more than half of PCPs and specialists already have smartphones, and that many are using them for email, shopping, e-detailing – and survey taking.

In the new survey, 52% of specialists and 50% of PCPs said they are already keeping their patient records in an electronic format – up 10 percentage points for specialists and 12 points for PCPs since 2008. In addition, 12% of specialists and 14% of PCPs said they expect to decrease the amount of time they spend with pharmaceutical sales reps in the next six months.

Smartphone usage also increased; 62% of specialists and 55% of PCPs report having one, and roughly 85% to 90% of those who have them are using them for Internet and for email. The survey also showed that 17% of PCPs and 18% of specialists who have smartphones are using them for e-detailing and higher proportions, 29% of PCPs and 24% of specialists use them to participate in on-line surveys.

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