Misys Makes Open Source Move

June 24, 2011
Misys Plc. (United Kingdom), a global application software and services company, has announced that it will make the Misys Connect healthcare
Misys Plc. (United Kingdom), a global application software and services company, has announced that it will make the Misys Connect healthcare solution available to the open source development community.

According to Misys, working with open source developers is a first step towards establishing open standards in healthcare. Currently the availability and sharing of patient information is a fragmented and labor-intensive, paper-based process that can cause delays in treatment, increased costs and errors, according to the company. Automating the process and using open standards for interoperability is a step forward and a precursor to connected healthcare communities, the company touts.

Misys Open Source Solutions has also joined the Eclipse Foundation (Portland, Ore.) to advance the development of the Open Healthcare Framework (OHF) project, formed for the purpose of expediting healthcare information technology.

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