HL7 Adds Singapore Affiliate

June 24, 2011
HL7 (Ann Arbor, Mich.) has launched a new affiliate, HL7 Singapore, that it says is part of a global commitment to promote and adopt standards for

HL7 (Ann Arbor, Mich.) has launched a new affiliate, HL7 Singapore, that it says is part of a global commitment to promote and adopt standards for healthcare data exchange.

HL7 Singapore — an open, not-for-profit and consensus-based organization — has a three-fold mission for the island nation’s healthcare industry:
  • To support the development, promotion and implementation of HL7 standards in ways which meet the needs of healthcare organizations, healthcare professionals and healthcare IT practitioners in Singapore;
  • To match Singapore’s national requirement with HL7 standards, and if necessary, develop specific messages, profiles and implementation guides; and
  • To educate the Singapore community and healthcare IT practitioners about HL7 standards, as well as to promote effective and consistent implementation of HL7 standards.

HL7 Singapore is also offering a technical training course to develop skills for the Clinical Document Architecture and Continuity of Care Document. Registration and program details will soon be available at http://www.hl7.org.sg.

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