KLAS: Digital Mammography Yielding Solid ROI

June 24, 2011
Despite the budget struggles many hospitals and imaging centers are experiencing, digital mammography has proven to be a solid investment for many

Despite the budget struggles many hospitals and imaging centers are experiencing, digital mammography has proven to be a solid investment for many providers, according to new KLAS (Orem, Utah) findings.

The report — entitled, Digital Mammography: Hot Market in a Cool Economy — asserts that while a switch from traditional film mammography to digital technology can present a learning curve, many clinicians believe digital mammography pays for itself when done right. It also states that many of those who have made the switch to full-field digital mammography systems have increased their capacity for patient throughput, leading to a strong ROI for the new technology.

Of the four vendors rated, Hologic Selenia earned the top performance score (88.3 out of 100) by a slim margin over GE Senographe Essential (88.0). Other products assessed in the report are FUJIFILM Aspire ClearView-CSm and Siemens MAMMOMAT NovationDR.

The research also noted that image quality is rarely a differentiator in digital mammography purchasing decisions or vendor performance scoring. The more critical metrics, it says, are physician preference and service and support.

To learn more about the digital mammography market, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of participating vendors, healthcare providers and vendors can visit www.KLASresearch.com.

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