Study: For CIS, Community Hospitals Consider Non-Traditional Routes

June 24, 2011
With meaningful use requirements in mind, hospitals with fewer than 150 beds are focusing less on traditional community CIS vendors and more on large

With meaningful use requirements in mind, hospitals with fewer than 150 beds are focusing less on traditional community CIS vendors and more on large hospital CIS vendors , according to a new report from the Orem, Utah consulting firm KLAS.

The first KLAS CIS perception report to include community hospital data, 2010's CIS Perception 2010: Vendors Bridge the Size Gap finds that smaller hospitals are currently considering MEDITECH, Cerner, McKesson Paragon, and Epic more often than traditional community CIS vendors CPSI, Healthland, HMS, Keane, and Siemens MedSeries4.

MEDITECH remains the most-considered vendor in community hospitals, but Cerner's hosted offering is making in-roads, and McKesson's Paragon is steadily gathering provider interest. To a lesser extent, Epic's mindshare is also growing in the community market.

In this study, MEDITECH is considered most often in small hospitals (1-150 beds), Cerner in mid-sized hospitals (151-300 beds), and Epic in large hospitals (over 300 beds); all three are receiving frequent consideration from hospitals of all sizes. Eclipsys, GE, Healthland, HMS, McKesson Horizon and Paragon, QuadraMed, and Siemens Soarian are also highlighted in this report.

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