Report: ED Solutions, Integration, Functionality Attracts ARRA-minded Buyers

June 24, 2011
As hospitals consider ED strategies to help satisfy meaningful use objectives, they seek a blend of robust functionality and tight integration,

As hospitals consider ED strategies to help satisfy meaningful use objectives, they seek a blend of robust functionality and tight integration, according to a new report by Orem, Utah-based healthcare IT consulting firm KLAS.

For this latest study, EDIS 2010-Functionality vs. Integration: Finding the Right Mix, KLAS compiled feedback from over 700 providers to investigate the effect of ARRA on ED purchasing priorities, as well as to highlight vendor progress in delivering both clinical functionality and integration.

According to the report, integration is still a key focus for many organizations, and many are willing to sacrifice some functionality today for integration and anticipated functional improvements in the future. As a result, only 69 percent of best-of-breed clients indicated that their current system is part of their long-term plans, compared to 93 percent of enterprise customers.

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