New York HIE Receives $45M in Funding

April 2, 2015
The Statewide Health Information Network of New York (the SHIN-NY) is receiving $45 million in funding from the State of New York, according to a release from the New York eHealth Collaborative, the nonprofit organization operating the health information exchange (HIE).

The Statewide Health Information Network of New York (the SHIN-NY) is receiving $45 million in funding from the State of New York, according to a release from the New York eHealth Collaborative, the nonprofit organization operating the health information exchange (HIE).

The funding was approved by the New York State Legislature. It will be used to continue development of the statewide HIE infrastructure as well as the various regional health information organizations (RHIOs) across the state. It will also go to creating a core set of services, such as a secure search engine and patient alert system, which will be available to all members. The HIE has gotten 50,000 doctors on board thus far and received consent from more than seven million New Yorkers.

“The Regional Health Information Organizations and New York e-Health Collaborative would like to thank Governor Cuomo, Speaker Heastie, Senate Majority Leader Skelos and the entire Legislature for prioritizing the health of all New Yorkers by authorizing crucial funding for the Statewide Health Information Network of New York in the final budget. By enabling healthcare providers to securely share vital health information throughout the state, the SHIN-NY will help to improve the quality, efficiency and ease of treatment for patients,” Dave Whitlinger, Executive Director of the New York eHealth Collaborative, said in a statement.

Last year, the HIE received $55 million in funding. A few weeks back, a number of technology companies sent a letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo asking him to ensure the HIE would receive another hefty investment this year. 

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