NFL, Infinitt Partner on Image-Sharing Contract

Sept. 22, 2014
The National Football League (NFL) and Infinitt North America, a Phillipsburg, N.J.-based provider of healthcare image and information management technologies have partnered on a ten-year agreement to provide on-demand access to players’ medical images.

The National Football League (NFL) and Infinitt North America, a Phillipsburg, N.J.-based provider of healthcare image and information management technologies have partnered on a ten-year agreement to provide on-demand access to players’ medical images. 

Infinitt Smart-Net, a web-based hosting picture archiving and communications system (PACS) that maintains digital copies of images across a network of data centers, will enable instant viewing of both new and historical images from any stadium, team facility, or physician’s office as long as the user has proper credentials for image access.

NFL clubs use diagnostic imaging to assess players’ injuries and health conditions.  With Infinitt Smart-Net, images can be viewed by multiple people—radiologists, physicians and specialists—simultaneously, and from remote locations, enhancing communication and collaboration. Images can even be viewed on mobile devices from the sidelines.

The Infinitt solution will store image data in HIPAA-compliant data centers, with tight integration with the NFL-selected electronic health record (EHR) system, which will maintain up-to-date image data and players’ medical information across all clubs. 

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