Podcast: Three Specific Concerns Over Stage 2 (Part 1 of 2)

Aug. 13, 2013
If anyone can provide an in-depth look at how CIOs are feeling about Stage 2 of meaningful use in anticipation of October, it’s Micky Tripathi, the President and CEO of the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC). This is part 1 of a two-part podcast series, in which Tripathi talks with Healthcare Informatics Associate Editor Gabriel Perna about some the concerns that have been expressed by CIOs on Stage 2.

If anyone can provide a boots-on-the-ground look at how CIOs are feeling about Stage 2 of meaningful use in anticipation of October, it’s Micky Tripathi. Tripathi is the President and CEO of the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC), a non-profit that works as an advisory, implementation, and other service provider to local and nationwide healthcare organizations.  In addition, Tripathi serves on a number of prestigious healthcare information-based boards and workgroupds, including the Information Exchange Workgroup of the HIT Policy Committee and the eHealth Initiative.

In part 1 of a two-part podcast series, Tripathi talks with Healthcare Informatics Associate Editor Gabriel Perna about some the concerns that have been expressed by CIOs on Stage 2. He says he understands where many of these concerns are coming from, because the reality is there are big leaps from Stage 1 to Stage 2.

There is the overall concern of vendor readiness, which Tripathi addresses. He then digs into three specific requirements that have providers worried including:

  • Interoperability and transitions of care via Direct Standards
  • Patients viewing, downloading, and transmitting their data
  • Clinical quality reporting

He goes over each specific part and why they are causes for consternation.

In the next part of this podcast, Tripathi will talk about work being done at theNew Hampshire Regional Extension Center, and how can others learn from what’s going on there. He’ll also answer the immortal question when it comes to EHR adoption and Meaningful Use—is the glass half-empty or half full.

More on the topic of Stage 2 and other policy concerns will be covered in an upcoming September feature, which will be available on the web first, in the coming weeks.  

To download this or other HCI Podcasts from iTunes, click here.

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