AMA applauds CMS decision to conduct end-to-end ICD-10 testing for select providers

Feb. 20, 2014
“As a result of the AMA's advocacy efforts
 to help alleviate the burdens that physicians will face as a result of the transition to the ICD-10 code set, the federal government agreed today to conduct end-to-end testing on ICD-10 for select providers.

“The AMA believes end-to-end testing is essential for ensuring the health care industry will not suffer massive disruptions in claims and payment processing and ultimately risk physicians' ability to care for their patients.

“While the AMA is pleased by the federal government's decision today to conduct end-to-end ICD-10 testing, the AMA continues to urge CMS to reconsider the ICD-10 mandate during a time when physicians are struggling to keep up with many other costly, federal mandates. According to a recent AMA commissioned cost study
, the mandated implementation of the ICD-10 code set alone will be dramatically more expensive for most physician practices than previously estimated.

“The AMA urges CMS to conduct the testing as soon as possible and to ensure that there is an adequate sample which includes a variety of different sized medical practices and specialties. 

“The AMA is committed to seeing physicians successfully transition to new payment and delivery reform models and adopt well-developed technology that promotes care coordination with real value to patients. Adopting ICD-10, while it may provide benefits to others in the health care system, is unlikely to improve the care physicians provide their patients and takes valuable resources away from implementing delivery reforms and health information technology.”

Ardis Dee Hoven, M.D.
President, American Medical Association

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