Poll: Majority of Docs Say They Won’t Attest to MU Stage 2 in 2015

Jan. 8, 2015
Fifty-five percent of physicians do not plan to attest for meaningful use Stage 2 in 2015, according to a recent poll done by Medical Practice Insider and SERMO, a social network exclusively for doctors.

Fifty-five percent of physicians do not plan to attest for meaningful use Stage 2 in 2015, according to a recent poll done by Medical Practice Insider and SERMO, a social network exclusively for doctors.

The poll consisted of nearly 2,000 physicians revealed that doctors are opting to forego Stage 2 by a margin of 994 to 822 participants. The survey consisted of one simple yes-or-no question: Do you plan to attest for Stage 2 in 2015?

Individual comments from surveyed SERMO members show a variety of reasons—some financially motivated, others not—for physicians deciding that they've had enough with the meaningful use program and will go no further. However, many of these comments came from specialists, a collective that often faces unique meaningful use challenges—particularly when it comes to core, menu and clinical quality measures engineered for providers with a broader swath of patients and services, making it easier to fulfill those requirements, according to Medical Practice Insider.

According to recent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data, fewer than 35 percent of the nation’s hospitals have met Stage 2 meaningful use requirements, and only four percent of eligible professionals (EPs) have demonstrated achievement of Stage 2 objectives.

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