Dare to Dream

April 11, 2013
Are you living the dream? Do you live where you want to live? Are you doing exactly what you love to do? Is your boss the best boss you’ve ever had? All fair questions. So how do your answers stack up? Dare to dream. This is a great time to do just that.
It’s the end of another year and time for a quick career check-up. So – how are YOU doing? Are you living the dream? Do you live where you want to live? Are you doing exactly what you love to do? Is your boss the best boss you’ve ever had? All fair questions. So how do your answers stack up?

Dare to dream. This is a great time to do just that. Most of us go through each day majoring in minors and checking our daily and weekly to-do list without ever thinking about the big picture - where we are and where we want to be?

In HCIT the opportunities have never been as good as they are right now - and things will only get better in the coming months and years. It saddens me when I get a call from a candidate that suffers from one (or more) of the following symptoms:

· Job boredom(been there done that)

· Hates their job

· Don’t like the geographic location where they work/live

· Don’t like their boss/leadership

I say – make a decision to change your world today. It may take a while to figure out all the details but you should seriously look at your current situation as we approach the New Year and make sure you are truly happy with all of the major facets of your career. If you are in a rut, dedicate time this holiday season – pen and paper in hand and find out why. Make an inventory of everything you like and list the things you want to change. It’s healthy and actually very therapeutic.

In the end you are the one that must live with where you are - and you are the only one that can make a change. Sometimes, the changes you need to make are minor – sometimes the situation is more difficult and the challenges seem insurmountable. But there is a solution. Always! Whatever your situation is - diagnose your problem first and then write your own prescription. . Just do something. All it takes is action and a plan. Doing nothing won’t improve your situation or change your view and it may get worse if you ignore it hoping things will improve.

So – Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope 2011 is your best year EVER and please take a deep breath this holiday season and relax and spend time with your family and your friends. And –yourself. It really matters.

See you next year!

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