Medtronic, Abbott push new diabetes monitoring systems

June 26, 2018

Efforts to control diabetes are more effective when patients have a detailed understanding of their blood-sugar levels in real time, which is why medical device companies like Medtronic and Abbott Laboratories are trumpeting benefits of their newest continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems.

Abbott said its FreeStyle Libre system can help patients reliably control their blood sugar at a lower cost than with “finger-stick” devices, while Medtronic said its new Sugar.IQ app and Guardian Connect sensor can generate predictive alerts up to an hour in advance of glucose problems using artificial intelligence.

Both systems are newly approved; Medtronic just started shipping its stand-alone system this month.

The companies presented their latest clinical and real-world data on CGM systems during the American Diabetes Association (ADA) annual meeting in Orlando.

Diabetes has quickly become the most expensive chronic health condition in the United States, accounting for $237 billion in direct medical costs last year and another $90 billion in lost productivity, according to a study prepared under the direction of the ADA.

As many as 25 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, with more than 700,000 new cases appearing each year. Although diabetes can be controlled through changes in diet and exercise, many diabetics eventually end up taking prescription drugs and using medical devices to treat the condition.

The market for stand-alone CGM systems today stands at more than $1 billion in global sales and is growing at least 30% a year, Medtronic officials said.

Medical device companies are putting more emphasis on developing accurate sensors that can be worn on the body for a week or so, giving up-to-the-moment readings that can be more dependable than using “finger-stick” devices that draw blood from the tip of a finger and then provide a glucose reading.

At the ADA Orlando meeting, Abbott highlighted the results of a meta-analysis of 17 past studies of “flash” glucose monitoring with its FreeStyle Libre device. The study-of-studies, based on real-world patients not recruited by Abbott, found that people who used the device had an average 0.56-point reduction in a measure called A1C, which looks at glucose control over time.

Another study at ADA examined the new, factory-calibrated FreeStyle Libre flash-monitoring system that was approved by the FDA last September, finding that people who used the wearable disposable sensor system would spend $120 less per month than if they did six finger pricks per day at standard prices.

Medtronic, meanwhile, is entering the CGM market.

Medtronic has made headlines for its advanced MiniMed 670G insulin pump, which reads data from Medtronic’s disposable, body-worn Guardian Connect sensor to automatically decide whether to adjust a patient’s base rate of insulin delivery. Now that sensor is being sold as a stand-alone device so that patients can use it to calibrate manual insulin injections.

The Guardian Connect pairs with a free program from the Apple app store called Sugar.IQ, which uses artificial intelligence to examine a diabetic patient’s current and past glucose readings to predict if glucose levels are going to be too high or too low.

Although other systems offer alerts up to 20 minutes in advance, Medtronic said its offers the only system that gives up to 60 minutes advance warning, which could be especially important for people who work for long hours high up on power lines or behind the wheel of semitrailer trucks. Some forms of insulin take more than 20 minutes to be effective.

StarTribune has the full article

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