CMS Partnering WIth Oklahoma on Provider Directory Pilot

Sept. 23, 2024
Pilot will establish automated statewide centralized directory that allows Qualified Health Plans and providers to submit and access provider data

The Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are launching a first-of-its-kind provider directory pilot program for those participating in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP). 

The pilot will establish and implement an automated, one-stop shop, statewide centralized directory that allows Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) and providers to submit and access pre-populated provider data to improve accuracy and reduce burden.

As part of its ongoing work to improve access to care, reduce clinician burden, and support interoperability throughout the health sector, CMS is partnering with the state of Oklahoma to help inform the design and feasibility of any future efforts toward a National Directory of Healthcare (NDH). The QHP Directory Pilot will ideally serve as a proof-of-concept that a centralized directory for QHPs can serve as a single point of entry for providers to regularly update or confirm their directory information.

“This pilot shows our commitment in Oklahoma to eliminate unnecessary burdens and frustrations with provider directories,” said Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready, in a statement. “We look forward to engaging with stakeholders to help improve healthcare delivery. It’s exciting to see our staff and the state of Oklahoma taking the lead to help build-out this proof-of-concept.”

OID and CMS will work with issuers, providers, health systems, consumer groups, and other interested parties on this project. Both agencies plan on engaging with stakeholders in the next few weeks to provide additional details about the pilot.


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