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How AI-Native Locating Intelligence Revolutionizes the RTLS market

Oct. 3, 2024
Discover how leveraging an RTLS solution with artificial intelligence as the location engine can increase efficiency, improve safety, and elevate care without the compromises and burden of traditional RTLS platforms.

Today’s most innovative solutions use AI as the location engine to increase efficiency, improve safety and elevate care for hospitals. Learn how it all works and how an AI-enabled RTLS solution delivers room-level accuracy with ultra-light infrastructure and a lower total cost of ownership. 

In our white paper, we discuss:

  • How AI as the location engine revolutionizes RTLS, ensuring a future-proof and extensible platform that's capable of covering all RTLS use cases.
  • How the utilization of AI as the location intelligence overcomes traditional RTLS’ shortcomings
  • A real-world example of how one hospital is using AI-driven RTLS, and more


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