ONC Adds EHR Incentive Program Payments to its Health IT Dashboard

June 25, 2013
The Office for the National Coordinator of Health IT (ONC) has updated its Health IT Dashboard to include from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs public use files. The Meaningful Use dashboard is there to act as an interactive supplement to CMS’ public use data and reports using the ONC’s Health IT Dashboard framework as the starting point, the government announced this week.

The Office for the National Coordinator of Health IT (ONC) has updated its Health IT Dashboard  to include from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs public use files.  The Meaningful Use dashboard is there to act as an interactive supplement to CMS’ public use data and reports using the ONC’s Health IT Dashboard framework as the starting point, the government announced this week.

The meaningful use Meaningful Use Dashboard will include more than 60 national and state/county-level maps showing the local areas where the most healthcare professionals and hospitals are participating in the program. It will also include key performance data and charts following the number of providers that reach various EHR Incentive milestones. It also has a dataset and scorecard for tracking each state's progress on 8 core measures of provider participation in the EHR Incentive Programs.

ONC also announced it has expanded the Health IT Dashboard to show more data that can be used for monitoring state and local adoption of e-prescribing technologies among pharmacies and physicians. This includes data on e-prescribing goals set by ONC and the participants of the HITECH State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program.

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