Seven States to Work on Strengthening Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Councils

July 18, 2024
Work aligns with CMS’ vision for centering lived experience in Medicaid decision-making processes

Seven states have been selected to work on a project to support Medicaid agencies in establishing or strengthening their Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC). This work aligns with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) vision for centering lived experience in Medicaid decision-making processes.

Medicaid programs increasingly recognize the value of partnering with individuals with Medicaid lived experience to inform program and policy development and implementation. Given final CMS rules for states to establish new types of member advisory groups, Medicaid agencies have an increased imperative to establish or bolster member engagement mechanisms.

Alaska, Arizona, Maine, Michigan, North Dakota, Oregon, and Virginia will participate in the Center for Health Care Strategies’ Building State Capacity for Community-Informed Policymaking Learning and Action Series.

“Incorporating the voices of people with experience receiving services through Medicaid into program and policy decisions ensures their needs are better understood and addressed,” said Allison Hamblin, president and CEO of CHCS, in a statement. “We are excited to support these seven state Medicaid agencies in responding to CMS’ call to more effectively engage Medicaid members, toward the goal of better health outcomes.”

Over 14 months, the seven participating states will receive guidance in developing and implementing a successful Medicaid member engagement strategy that aligns with CMS’ new requirements. The initiative will facilitate collaborative, peer-to-peer learning and provide technical assistance to help participants improve Medicaid member engagement strategies, partner with a community-based organization to create a BAC action plan, and implement the BAC.

CHCS will distill lessons from the participating states, which will be shared with stakeholders across the country.

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